Monday, September 05, 2011

The Prius Explodes, 66th and 5th

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Blogger Yukinori Katayama said...

what's happening?

Tuesday, 06 September, 2011  
Blogger John said...

as a Prius driver this looks like a simple insurance scam !
The Prius is the most fantastic car ever built and should never be set on fire like this.
Nice photo though.

Tuesday, 06 September, 2011  
Blogger King of New York Hacks said...

Wow..What was the cause of the fire ?? I zoomed in and it looks like the meter is running too ! ...Great capture Gene, looks like a flaming horse got hit...I'm curious to see how the new taxi's will be during the long hot summers we drive in.

Tuesday, 06 September, 2011  
Blogger Eugene Salomon said...

All I can tell you is I was driving down 5th Avenue at 3 am and there it was, ablaze. There were no other cars near it, so it had not been the result of an accident. Two cops stood across the street, watching it, no doubt waiting for the fire dept to arrive, which it did two minutes later. John, it would not have been an insurance scam as NYC taxis do not carry fire or theft insurance. Also this is a posh part of town. If you're going to set your own cab on fire you'd want to do it in a dark alley in Brooklyn somewhere.

Wednesday, 07 September, 2011  
Blogger NYC taxi photo said...

OMG!! I'm in shock too, didn't think these had those types of troubles.

Wednesday, 07 September, 2011  

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